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Gabrovo story: "Sweet European funds for the mayor's brother - OLAF is looking at a whistleblower tip (PHOTOS)"

01 април 2024, 13:11 часа • 1388 прочитания

The story of the so-called leather factory "Marokindzhiev" – the oldest industrial factory in Bulgaria from the early years of the 20th century, continues - unfortunately, once again in an ugly way. The factory is located at 154 Orlovska Street in Gabrovo and consists of several dozen buildings, with no single owner. The largest share of ownership, over 98%, belongs to "Chinkov Property" Ltd. However, this share is insufficient for the company and its owners to to protect themselves from disputes regarding the property, particularly with the family of Gabrovo's mayor, Tanya Hristova – a saga we have already covered: Is the mayor of Gabrovo stealing a lucrative property through her brother? (In Bulgarian)

The scale of the irregularities expands from local to European levels

In the new chapter in the story: "Chinkov Property" has filed a complaint and initiated legal proceedings in the District Court of Gabrovo, once again because of actions of Dimitar Badzharov, the brother of Mayor Tanya Hristova. The reasons are as follows:

  • construction on the property without the consent of "Chinkov Property," which owns over 98% of the ideal share
  • blocked entrance of “Chinkov Property” buildings by the construction
  • violations during the implementation of EU funded project. The European funds are non-refundable and amount to just under 125,000 BGN

According to the complaint by "Chinkov Property," the construction involves expanding a building (workshop) where aluminum and PVC joinery, as well as double-glazed windows, are manufactured – by the company "Alu Beta" Ltd. The expansion consists of a structure protruding in some places by more than 42 centimeters, onto which external thermal insulation panels are placed. "Alu Beta" Ltd, managed by Dimitar Badzharov, receives European funds for a project aimed at improving energy efficiency for this.

Due to the European connection, the European Anti-Fraud Office (OLAF) has already been alerted. The institution confirmed receiving the complaint and is looking at it.

In addition to OLAF, "Chinkov Property" is turning to the court and various institutions, including several ministries, because:

  1. The installation of these external thermal insulation panels occupies additional space (just under 50 square meters) on the property, which, by law, requires the consent for a construction permit from the co-owners of the property. In addition to the panels themselves, a metal structure has also been erected. "Chinkov Property" is the largest co-owner, and “no consent has been requested from us”, states the company.
  2. However, there is an opinion issued by the Gabrovo Municipality (DOCUMENT), stating that no structural changes can be made to the existing building, such as new openings, doors, windows. This was not adhered to during the construction activities - new doors and alterations are evident. Furthermore, with the construction of the metal structure and the installation of the insulation, the only access door to 3 of the buildings owned by "Chinkov Property" has been blocked. A reminder that on the local elections of 2023, Tanya Hristova once again became the mayor.
  3. After acuiring European funds for improving energy efficiency, you are required to comply with the provisions of the Spatial Planning Act (ZUT). However, this validity is questioned if there is no legal consent from the co-owner where the construction work is being carried out.
  4. "Alu Beta" is not the owner of the land where the insulation work with the panels is being done – it has carried out construction and installation activities on someone else's land. According to the lease agreement for the building, the company is not allowed to conduct construction activities under the Spatial Planning Act (ZUT), states "Chinkov Property."
  5. In the building where the insulation is being installed, owned by Dimitar Badzharov and also by Mayor Tanya Hristova, several companies are located, not just "Alu Beta." These include sole proprietorship "Badzho-Venko Badzharov-Dimitar Badzharov," "Heduey International" Ltd., "M-Tex Textile Recycling" Ltd., and "MNR" Ltd. An announcement on the official website of the Gabrovo Municipality confirms that "Heduey International" Ltd. and "MNR" Ltd. are located at the address 154 Orlovska Street. These companies are also registered in the Registry Agency in Veliko Tarnovo under the same address, housing unit 14218.508.386.27.1. "Chinkov Property" Ltd. is adamant: This is a violation of the project's conditions according to its indicators – only one beneficiary should benefit from the benefits of EU funding.
  6. According to the conditions for receiving European funding, the beneficiary cannot carry out the work for project implementation alone; the beneficiary must hire a company. According to the contract, the insulation should be installed by the Burgas-based company "Bulplast BG" and the construction and installation works should have been completed by the project deadline, i.e., September 18, 2023. Construction and installation activities for the completion of the insulation are ongoing as of today (March 27, 2024), although the project has been declared completed and paid according to the ISUN website (2020.eufunds.bg).

We remind you of the most shocking aspect from a daily life perspective – due to the newly constructed structure, the only entrance-exit to 3 of the buildings owned by "Chinkov Property" is blocked. "You appropriate the door and the lucrative property is yours: Is that what the mayor of Gabrovo does?"

Violations and Consequences

In the lawsuit before the District Court in Gabrovo, "Chinkov Property" insists on the removal of the construction and transfer of ownership. "Chinkov Property" warns in its signal that further construction activities are pending - the construction of transparent enclosing structures, windows, and doors, which "again enter our property." On this basis, the company claims that there is another violation of the EU program - the project for improving energy efficiency was completed according to documents dated September 18, 2023, which has not happened. According to information from ISUN (2020.eufunds.bg), it is clear that the project has been declared completed and paid by its final date (DOCUMENT 1 and DOCUMENT 2). A total of BGN 124,300 in non-repayable EU funds has been paid to Dimitar Badzharov's company "Alu Beta," and "the results are evident." Unfinished renovation - already paid for, illegal construction on someone else's property, and obstruction of the access to other buildings.

Is this what the EU expects to be done with the funds provided?

We need to understand. What else - perhaps the most iconic line from John Grisham's global bestseller "The Firm." The line is an advice from the "old dogs" to the "rookie" in the law firm depicted in the book. The advice concerns what a lawyer should do first when catching someone not telling the whole truth. It's time for us to ask ourselves this question - what else is there to come to light after the new scandal?

ELSE: Guarded by police officers: The mayor's brother in Gabrovo removes a fence, which he does not own (VIDEO and PHOTOS)

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